Expectant Church

I have a dream of a church which is an expectant church

whose members can never settle down in material

affluence or comfort, because they remember that

they are strangers and pilgrims on earth,

which is all the more faithful and active because it is

waiting and looking for its Lord to return,

which keeps the flame of the Christian hope burning

brightly in a dark, despairing world,

which on the day of Christ will not shrink from him

in shame, but rise up joyfully to greet him.

I have a dream of an expectant church.

-John Stott


With this encouragement from John Stott, we bring to a close our reflections on A Living Church.

Over the past four weeks we have heard from many parishioners speaking about their passion for ministry and sharing about moments when God’s presence has been experienced in various ways. I thank all those who have shared about worship and fellowship, growing faith in children, youth and adults of every age, congregational care, and outreach into our communities.

And the standing invitation is there for your prayerful consideration. Where might God be calling you to fulfill your vocation as a Christian? It may be in the marketplace, among those with whom you live and socialize, it may be in places where you volunteer your time and talent, or it may be here within the church walls.

Wherever it might be, we are summoned to steward the gifts that God has graciously given us to bear witness to Christ’s reign courageously, to love generously, and to give faithfully.

We turn our attention now to the great promise of Hebrews chapter 4, verse 16,

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

 -Fr. Chris