

The Reverend Chris Ditzenberger


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Chris has served as rector of Saint Gabriel since 2005, returning to his roots in the area. A Littleton, Colorado native, Chris cherishes the community in Denver's southern suburbs. Chris believes the church’s task is to bear witness to God’s Son, Jesus, the one in whom “all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell" in the power of the Holy Spirit. With CJ and their children, Grace and Christopher, Chris loves sharing gospel ministry with the people of Saint Gabriel and with other followers of Jesus in this beautiful corner of the Lord's vineyard. 



Sharon Stewart


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Sharon has been a member of Saint Gabriel since 1963. After she retired as Parish Administrator she continues to work as the part time bookkeeper. Sharon is active in many ministries including Altar Guild, Daughters of the King, Eucharistic visitor, and serving at worship services.


Mark Kelly

Organist and minister of music


Mark graduated from Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and a Minor in Music Performance.  He attended classes offered by Westminster Choir College and the Robert Shaw Institute in Atlanta. Over the past 33 years he has served 6 congregations in South Carolina, Florida and Colorado. He has performed in choral groups such as the Laurens and Greenwood Chorales(SC), the Palmetto Mastersingers(SC), and the Central  Florida Community Arts Choir. Mark's full time vocation is in the cybersecurity industry. He is the proud father of his daughters, Rachel Kelly Wade (and son-in-law John), and Mary Katherine "MK" Kelly.

Meg Stern

Parish and Family Administrator

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Meg comes from a varied background, much of it involving church administrative work. A native of England, she moved here in 1989, and worked for Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in the church office when her sons were in elementary school there. She then moved on to the Office of the Bishop, where she worked as Faith Formation Administrator for 5 years then Bishop’s Assistant for 8 years. After a hiatus of a couple of years, she is thrilled to be back working in the church! Meg is married to Jim Stern, with adult twin sons, and attends Christ Episcopal Church in Denver.


Nicole Heifferon

Communications Director 


Nicole has worked in the non-profit & ministry sector in Denver for over 8 years and has driven the communication and development efforts for several organizations. Nicole graduated from Colorado Christian University with a degree in Communications in 2015. She is a bridge builder, advocate of people, and is passionate about the flourishing of communities through Christ. She brings her gifts of creatively conveying stories through words & design to the Saint Gabriel community.