Outreach & Community Engagement

​The Mission of Outreach at Saint Gabriel is to reveal God’s grace corporately and in parishioners' daily lives through worship, prayer and action. We strive to extend God’s love and our love for others by serving our neighbors with spiritual, material and caring assistance. Outreach acts on its mission by planning, promoting, and coordinating a variety of congregational activities and events, educating the congregation about servant and justice ministry, encouraging congregational participation through cultivating the offering of parishioners’ time, talents, and gifts.

​We provide financial support chiefly to the Saint Francis Center, Village Resource Center, and the Colorado Haiti Project as well as ministries and agencies that address spiritual, physical, psychological, emotional, or educational needs. These efforts and activities are coordinated with the other ministry endeavors at Saint Gabriel and in the world.

Outreach Octaves

A new, quarterly, musical ministry at Saint Gabriel. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming concerts!

Saint Gabriel Community Arts Camp


The Community Arts Camp was new to Saint Gabriel last year. The week-long day camp uses music and song, visual art and media, drama and storytelling, movements and play to enter into Bible study and spiritual formation.  We are excited to build community and involve children and youth from our church and neighborhoods. Come back in early 2023 to find out more about next year's Arts Camp!

Saint Gabriel Annual Parish Picnic


There is always a lot of good food and fellowship at our annual parish picnic held typically in early June.

Saint Gabriel Fishing Trip


We have a Saint Gabriel fishing trip every spring at Lake Lehow in Littleton. This lake is privately owned (so no fishing license required) and stocked regularly with fish. It is a great place for some good fishing and fun for everyone.