With the parish’s annual meeting (January 26) around the corner, I wanted to share a few updates that impact upon our fellowship here at Saint Gabriel.
On the first front, it has to be said that the vestry and I greatly appreciate the outpouring of financial support through this year’s stewardship drive. Building upon the call to support the ministries of the church – including the calling of an assisting priest this year, God-willing – we all responded to the Singing Songs of Expectation pledge drive.
Throughout the fall, I have been working on the scope of work for a 10-12 hour per week assisting priest to come alongside me. That work is ongoing, and while I have a candidate in mind, I am working with the Office of the Bishop whose blessing is sought and required. I pledge to update you as I can, but it may take a few months before we can undertake any decisions. In the meantime, I am feeling good about the start of this year, am healthy and able to lead Saint Gabriel with the help of the vestry and many other lay leaders.
Second, our organist for the past 7 years, Caroline Johnson, has tendered her resignation. Caroline is seeking a healthier work-life balance and needs to simplify for commitments. You may not know this, but Caroline commutes to Saint Gabriel twice a week from northeastern Colorado Springs. She is a school principal, has a family, and is currently working on completing a PhD in education.
Caroline has been a delight to work with, and I appreciate everything that she brought to our music leadership in the capacity of accompanist both on organ and piano. We will miss her and please be on the lookout for details regarding a special coffee hour reception for Caroline on an upcoming Sunday. Her final Sunday with us will be February 9, but she has also offered to serve as a substitute as we have need.
I am working with Mark Kelly, our Music Director, who is also a gifted accompanist on both organ and piano, and we are delighted that he has agreed to assume both roles.
In other news, there is a terrific slate of vestry nominees we will get to know, the profiles of whom are found in the Trumpet.
They are:
Kelby Cotton, Senior Warden
Rob Johnston, Junior Warden
and Carrie Odom, Greg Osbourne, and Gail Scott who will serve a 3-year term on vestry.
There is much about which to rejoice as we begin this new year together, under the mercy and grace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Fr. Chris